€7,50 in combination with a sports card, otherwise €22,50
Defensibility course
Kalverdijkje 76C8924 JJ Leeuwarden-plan route

At Leeuwarden Student Sport, we offer a defensibility course in collaboration with High Five Martial Arts. This course will help you increase your self-confidence, set boundaries and protect yourself in different situations.

The course takes place at High Five Martial Arts, located at Kalverdijkje or at Sports hall Rengers. Here, you will learn techniques from various martial arts, self-defence and mental toughness. You will learn how to protect yourself and be stronger in confrontations, both physically and mentally.

The defensibility course is suitable for everyone, regardless of your fitness level or experience with martial arts. The aim is to develop your skills, increase your awareness and feel more powerful in your daily life.

Prices: €7,50 in combination with a sports card, otherwise €22,50
Times: to be announced
Location: High Five Martial Arts or Sports Hall Rengers
Website: https://highfivemartialarts.nl/

Come along and join our resilience course. We look forward to working with you on your self-confidence, assertiveness and self-defence skills at High Five Martial Arts!

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